Play with the Light. Enter the Void.
We love you so dearly. We protect you ever so gently. The subtle vibrations you feel is us guiding you to where you need to be. We show you our love in the light and presence all around you. We feel your love so deeply, so love thyself.
The reason this happened for you is to help you see with more clarity.
What do you see? Feel? Desire?
Play with the light. Watch it twinkle and dance before you.
You know what you need to do. You know what it is you desire. Hold yourself accountable.
You will experience a powerful shift and it will be uncomfortable. Sit with the discomfort. You will then see universal truth and with this you awaken the light inside.
Because through the darkness you feel your way through. You will not see an illusion. You will only experience the void that will bring a new perspective, a new awareness and expanded consciousness.
And so it is.